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Leading Innovation
in the Energy Industry
Success case

Terpel, with the support of OMNI.PRO and Adobe Commerce, has transformed its operations to offer a more agile, efficient, and customer-centric experience in the energy industry.

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Digitize and optimize Terpel's processes to improve efficiency and the experience for its partners.
  • Implement Canal Aliado to digitalize purchase operations and order management.
  • Reduce times for order processing, dispatch, and payment management.
  • Increase customer satisfaction through 24/7 self-service and access to centralized information.
Terpel: Leading Innovation in the Energy Industry

Innovating with Energy for the Future

At Terpel, we are committed to aligning with the evolving needs of our consumers and partners by continuously implementing new technologies that enhance their experiences. Our vision for digital transformation focuses on identifying opportunities that strengthen the relationship between our users and our brand, while also optimizing our internal processes to empower people and businesses with the best energy.

The Challenge: Comprehensive Digitalization of the Experience

With the goal of modernizing and digitalizing the experience for our partners, we launched Canal Aliado through the Adobe Commerce platform. This digital solution is designed to make it easier for service station owners, partners of our brand, to manage purchases, payments, and track orders for fuel and lubricants. Through any mobile device, partners can access reliable and timely information, making this a unique and efficient experience.


Results and Key KPI Highlights

The implementation of Canal Aliado enabled us to achieve several key objectives:

  • 24/7 Self-Service: Our customers can now manage their orders and payments at any time, significantly improving operational efficiency.
  • Reduction in Payment Processing Times: The digitalization of processes has shortened the time required to complete transactions.
  • Process Optimization: We have substantially reduced the times for order processing, dispatch, and payment management.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: The ease of use and accessibility have increased the satisfaction of our partners.
  • Reduction in Operational Processes: Customer self-service has reduced the operational workload, allowing us to focus on providing better service.

Comprehensive Approach to Overcoming Challenges

To tackle technological and change management challenges, we adopted a comprehensive approach. We invested in robust and advanced technologies to strengthen our digital platform, training our team in new technologies and processes. We fostered a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement, ensuring clear and transparent communication both internally and with our customers and partners.

Added Value and Enhanced Experience

From the Vice Presidency of Technology and Digital Transformation, we have promoted initiatives and products that not only optimize the processes of our partners but also add value to their operations. The result has been a perception of greater efficiency and agility, with services that allow our B2B customers to use a centralized, practical, and efficient tool.

Terpel: Leading Innovation in the Energy Industry

Collaboration with OMNI.PRO: A Strategic Partner

Working with OMNI.PRO has been crucial to the success of our digital transformation. Their expertise and knowledge enabled us to implement world-class practices, achieving results that not only met but exceeded our expectations. Our clients have appreciated the quality of the product, making it an essential component of their daily management.


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